Our next Conference speaking event in London
David and I are well versed in speaking at International Conferences and networking meetings and to finish off a year of travelling where we have been to:
- Harrogate, England
- Glasgow, Scotland
- Jo'burg, South Africa
- Tallin, Estonia
- Geneva, Switzerland
We are now planning our session for London, England on 10th December with ITOL, the Institute for Training and Organisational Learning where we will be talking about
"Is there life beyond ROI?"
Our introductory brief is shown below:
"You’ve read all the books and articles about ROI, attended countless conference sessions, talked with “expert” consultants and even tried to implement your own framework – but with minimal results. You know all there is to know about Kirkpatrick, Philips and Fitz-ens – but still no added-value. You’ve studied the formulae associated with ROI and have the structure in place to capture the necessary data – but where’s the improvement? You’ve got scorecards and dashboards coming out of your ears – but what’s the benefit? With so many people shouting the praises of training ROI, where did you go wrong? This interactive, participative session will seek to ask some difficult questions, and maybe burst some precious balloons! "
To reserve a place at this exciting conference go to ITOL website and download the whole programme here (we are in stream #3).
Józefa and David