Sunday, June 05, 2005

'KWorx Roving Reporter' live from Thessaloniki, Greece - Day 2

David writes:

Day 2 of the conference at Thessaloniki continued to stimulate emotions and arouse interest in a wonderfully diverse range of areas of EI / EQ. Konstantinos Kafetsios and his team of research collaborators presented several sessions outlining the preliminary findings from their analysis of the rich data source collated through their project in 6 countries looking at 'Innovative methods for the assessment and training of career starters' interpersonal transferable skills', which is a Leonardo Da Vinci initiative.

In addition, Elena Antonacopoulou of the University of Liverpool, provided a most compelling account of her widely-published and highly-renowned work at the boundaries between emotion, learning and knowledge management. Amongst many memorable quotes she made during her talk, these are some of the most pertinent and relevant to our central themes we have been developing at KnowledgeWorx:

"Knowledge (and leadership) is a practice, not a product (or a role or function). We must be engaged in research. We must be willing to be surprised. CoPs are those groups that give non-judgemental support to encourage others to learn through mistakes. We need to incorporate discontinuity in the non-linear journey of lifelong learning, which is more like whitewater rafting than paddling your own canoe. Learning is SPACE! we must become thirsty for the unknown. A story is a collective enterprise. Leadership is a window to inner learning."

Elena ended by echoing the words of Sophocles:

"One must learn by doing the thing: for though you think you know it, you have no cetainty until you try it"

In my own session on "Introducing interpersonal skills in higher education" I outlined my initial thoughts that IQ, EQ, mQ and SQ must be combined to form OQ - organisational / organic intelligence.

These last few days have offered a wonderfully stimulating and valuable learning experience for all of us speakers and participants alike. Once home, KnowledgeWorx will be continuing this exciting and thought-provoking range of discussions with its own CoP on OQ - hopefully some of you reading this blog might want to join us!

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